Total 36

  • Acova Tab. 

    Diuresis, inotropic action, pain reliever.

  • Ambron 30mgTab. 

    For acute/chronic respiratory disease due to mucus secretion disorder : Acute/chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, sinusitis and dried rhinitis.

  • Bonscal M Tab. 

    1. Supplementation of calcium in case of calcium deficiency : -Prevention of bones and teeth poor growth, rickets. 2. Supplementation of vitamin D in the following cases : -Pregnancy, lactation, the period of development, old age.

  • CARB thin 

    Help body fat reduction and protection of cell from free radicals.

  • CareDam Tab. 

    Neuralgia, backache, shoulder discomfort.

  • Cho-A Famotidine Tab. 10mg 

    Acid indigestion, heartburn, nausea

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